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General Knowledge Quiz

>1) Who won the Football World Cup in 1982? d) Italy 2) Which country is known as Suomi? b) Finland 3) Who was the Roman Emperor in 41-54 AD? c) Claudius 4) Who won Wimbledon Women’s Singles Championship in 1988? d) Steffi Graf 5) Who is the author of Pride and Prejudice? a) Jane Austen 6) In the Bible, who is the eldest son of David? c) Amnon 7) In which film it is said, “Some dreams come true. Some don’t. Keep on dreaming.”? b) Pretty Woman 8) Who is considered the father of geometry? d) Euclid 9) Which country was known as Nyasaland? b) Malawi 10) Which sea separates Egypt from Saudi Arabia? c) Red Sea 11) Which country has 11 official languages? d) South Africa 12) Which pope divided the world between Portugal and Spain? c) Alexander VI 13) How many lines...

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