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Warren Hastings (1774-1785) He was the first Governor-General of Bengal. He       introduced many reforms; made Bengal a secure possession, and Ouch, a friendly dependency, maintained British power in the South, checked the influence of Marathas and also eon over the Nizam.Clive laid the foundation of the British Empire in India and      Warren Hastings strengthened it.
Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793) Permanent Settlement of Bengal (Also called the Zamindari System) in 1793.

Lord Wellesley (1798-1805) - He adopted the policy of Subsidiary Alliance which helped in subordinating the Indian princes to the British power.

Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835) He carried out some important social reforms through legistion such as prohibition of sati; elimination of thugs. Lord William Bentinck made English the medium of higher education in the country.

Governor-General of Independent India

Lord Louis Mountbatten, August 15, 1947 to June 20, 1948.
Shri C. Rajagopalachari, June 21, 1948 to January 25, 1950

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