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IGNTU Recrutiment Jan 2012 – Graduate, Post-Gradudate, MSc – 10th Jan 2012

IGNTU : Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, invites application for the post of “Assistant Registrar, Stenographer” at Madhya Pradesh State. Graduate, Post- Graduate , MSc candidate can apply for this post. Last date of receiving application form is 10th Jan 2012. Eligible candidate will go through written exam. More details are below : -
1. Name of Post : Assistant Registrar
Qualification:- 1. A Master Degree with at least 55% or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven-point scale.
Desirable: 1. Master degree in      Management/ Law/ any course of administration. 2. Knowledge of Computer. 3. Experience of Administrative Posts in the University system will be preferred.
Pay Scale:- Rs.15600-39100/-
Age:- 35 Years
2. Name of Post :  Stenographer
Qualification:-1. Graduation degree from a recognized or University. 2. Short hand speed of 80W.P.M and typing speed of 40w.p,.m in English or 30w.p.m. in Hindi
Desirable: 1. Working knowledge of Computer
Pay Scale:- Rs.15600-39100/-
Age:- 30 Years
How To Apply:-
Candidate apply in the prescribed application  along with a DD of Rs. 200/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ST) should be sent to
The Registrar, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (M.P.) Pin- 484 886
by Registered/Speed Post only. The envelope should be subscribed as “Application for the Post of ——————–”. The Demand Draft should be in favour of
“Indira Gandhi National Tribal University” payable at State Bank of India, Amarkantak (IFSC Code no. SBIN 0004674).
The Candidates may submit their advance copy through Email attaching the Xerox copy of the Bank Draft through email latest by 10th January, 2012.
For More Details :- http://www.igntu.nic.in/rcmnon.pdf

AP Police Recruitment for SI (Sub Inspector) – 2296 Post – Graduate -28th Jan 2011

AP Police Recruitment for SI (Sub Inspector), invites application for the 2296 post at Andhra Pradesh State. Bachelor degree/Graduate degree holder can apply for these Post. Last date of receiving application form is 28th Jan 2011. More details are below :
Post Name: Sub Inspector (in various departments)
Vacancies: 2296 Posts
Departments wise vacancies details
  1. SCT Civil (Men) – 1238
  2. AR (Men) – 306
  3. SAR CPL (MEN) – 10
  4. APSP (MEN) – 406
  5. APSP (MEN) – 17
  6. SPF (MEN) – 68
  7. APFES (MEN) – 21
  8. CIVIL (Women) – 230
Age Limit:
Minimum age 21 years and Maximum should be more than 25 years for SL No. 1 to 18 and for SL No. 17, it should be 18 to 30 years as on 01/07/2011
Age Relaxation:
Candidates who belong to BC / ST / SC will be relaxed in age upto 5 years
Educational Qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University. Candidates who belong to SC / ST should be passed Class 12th from a Recognized Board. Candidates having higher qualifications may also be considered for the post
Physical Standard:
Male – Height should not be less than 167.60 Cm and Chest should be 86.3 Cm and 86.3 + 5 Cm with expansions
Female- Height – 152.5 CMS, Weight – 40 kg
Medical Standard (Eye Sight)
Distant Vision – 6/6 (Right Eye) and 6/6 (Left Eye)
Near Vision – 0/6 (Right Eye) and 0/5 (Left Eye)
Candidates should not be suffered from Colour Blindness and both the eyes should have full field of vision.
How to get application form:
Interested candidates who want to apply against any of the above posts are required to download application format from the website www.apstatepolice.org
Selection Procedure and Scheme of Exam:
Selection of the candidates will be through Preliminary Test, Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Written Exam.
1. Preliminary Test: Under this test, candidates will have to run 5 Kilometers within 25 minutes for male candidates and 2.5 Kilometers within 16 Minutes for Female Candidate

2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for Male: 100 Meters run in 15 Seconds, Long Jump – 3.80 Miters, Shot Put (7.26) – 5.60 Meters, High Jump – 1.20 Meters, 800 Meters run in 170 Seconds. For Women Candidates: – 100 Meters run in 18 Seconds, Long Jump – 2.75 Meters, Shot put (4 Kg) – 4.50 Meters
3. Written Test: Only those candidates will be eligible for written test who have qualified in Physical Efficiency Test (PET). An objective Type written exam Comprised of 4 Test Papers and for Each paper, there will be given 3 Hours. Paper-I (English) of 100 Marks, Paper-II (Telugu) of 100 Marks, Paper-III (Arithmetic, Reasoning, Mental Ability) of 200 Marks, Paper-IV (General Studies) of 200 Marks.
Application Fees:
Candidates are required to pay application fees of Rs.50 in cash only at the time of submission of application form. Application fees in the shape of Indian Postal Order, Cheques and Demand Draft etc. will not be accepted. Candidates who belong to SC / ST are exempted from application fees.
How to apply:
1. Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria and all required qualifications for the suitable post may apply with downloaded application format with copies of supporting documents and submit their application by hand to the concerned address mentioned in Detailed Advertisement
2. Application can be submitted between 28/11/2011 and 28/01/2012on all working days from 10 am to 1 pm.
3. Applications by Post will not be accepted, Candidates will have to submit their application by hand at the concerned address given in the advertisement details
1. Applications received after last date will not be accepted
2. Incomplete application in any respect and without supporting documents will be rejected
3. Candidates will be provided Hall Ticket (Identity Card) at once or on the next day after submission of application
More details : AP Police Recruitment SI Nov 2011- Jan 2012

Official Website of A.P. Police: http://www.apstatepolice.org/

UCO Bank Clerk 3rd Selected List Dec 2011

UCO Bank announced/uploaded Clerk 3rd Selected List Dec 2011 on its official Website.
Appointment letters to selected candidates for the post of Clerks will be issued by the Zonal Manager of the respective State by 07.12.2011 and will be dispatched to the candidates at their given correspondence addresses.

Candidates are advised to report on 22.12.2011 at their respective place of posting. Candidates who do not receive the Appointment letters by 15.12.2011 may contact the Zonal Office of the respective State.
UCO Bank Clerk Selected 3rd  Listhttp://recruitment.ucobank.com/3rd-select-list.pdf

General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

Faculty/Non-Faculty posts in Nagaland University December 2011

Applications are invited on prescribed form for the various Non-Teaching posts underNagaland University Nagaland University:-
Name of Positions:-
1. Director College Development Council – 01 post
2. Deputy Registrar – 04 posts
3. Information Scientist – 01 post
4. Hindi Officer – 01 post
5. Hindi Translator – 01 post
6. Museum Curator – 01 post
7. UDC - 01 post
8. Jr. Stenographer – 07 posts
9. Caretaker - 01 post
10. Hindi Typist – 01 post
Application Fee: Application fee of Rs. 200/- for General and Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/OBC in the form of Bank Draft in favour of Registrar.
How to Apply: Applications in the prescribed format should reach Registrar, Nagaland University, Kohima – 797001, Nagaland on or before 31/12/2011.
Please visit http://www.nagauniv.org.in/index.php/advertisements/60-advertisement-for-non-teaching-post for detailed information and application format.

General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

General Knowledge Today, gk india, current gk 2012


1. भारत में पहली मेट्रो ट्रेन शुरू हुई।

-कोलकाता,1984 में

2. दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा ज्वालामुखी कहां है।

-अमेरिका के यनोस्टोन प्रांत के नेशनल पार्क में

3. पहली बार रेडियो कार्यक्रम किसके द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया गया।

- 1923 में बॉम्बे के रेडियो क्लब द्वारा

4. सद्दाम हुसैन द्वारा लिखा गया प्रेम कथा आधारित उपन्यास है।

- जबीबा एंड द किंग

5. लेनिन का शव 86 साल से कहां सुरक्षित है।

-मॉस्को के म्यूजियम में

6. वर्ष 2011 में ग्रैंड स्लेम टेनिस टूर्नामेंट ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपन जीता है।

-बेल्जियम की किम क्लाइस्टर्स

7. राजस्थान में लागू की गई सबला योजना किससे संबंधित है।

- बालिका सशक्तिकरण से

8. राजस्थान की भाषा के लिए राजस्थानी शब्द का प्रयोग सर्वप्रथम किसने किया।

- जार्ज अब्राहम ग्रियर्सन

9. वर्ष 2011 फिल्म फेयर अवार्ड के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता व अभिनेत्री घोषित किया गया है।

- शाहरुख खान व काजोल

10. भारतीय संविधान में कुल अनुच्छेद हैं।

- 395

11. शेखावाटी के गांधी किसे कहा जाता है।

- बद्रीनारायण सोढाणी को

12. लीलटांस पुरस्तक के रचयिता हैं।

- कन्हैया लाल सेठिया

13. ऊंट श्रंगार का वर्णन किस गीत में किया जाता है।

- गोरबंद

14. राजस्थान का खजुराहो कहा जाता है।

- किराडू का मंदिर (बाडमेर)

15. राजस्थान का राज्य नृत्य कौनसा है।

- घूमर

16. राष्ट्रपति अपना त्याग पत्र किसे सौंपते हैं।

- उपराष्ट्रपति को

17. राज्य सभा का पदेन सभापति कौन होता है।

- उपराष्ट्रपति

18. वर्तमान में भारत के नागरिकों को कितने मौलिक अधिकार हैं।


19. दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा रेल जंक्शन कहां है।

- शिकागो

20. करमा कग्यू बौद्ध पंथ के मुखिया व सत्रहवें करमापा कौन हैं।

- उग्येन त्रिनले दोरजे

 General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

General Knowledge Today, gk india, current gk 2012


1. राजस्थान का राज्य खेल है।

- बास्केटबॉल

2. पहली राजस्थानी फिल्म कौनसी है।

- नजरानो

3. राजस्थान में प्रथम परमवीर चक्र किसे दिया गया।

- हवलदार मेजर पीरू सिंह (1948, झुंझुनूं)

4. एशिया का सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुलिस स्टेशन चुना गया।

- जयपुर का विधायकपुरी

5. सीबीएसई का मुख्यालय कहां है।

- नई दिल्ली में

6. राज्य सभा के सदस्यों का कार्यकाल होता है।

- छह वर्ष

7. आनंदमठ के रचयिता हैं।

- बंकिम चंद्र

8. महानरेगा के वर्ष 2009-10 के राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों में राजस्थान की किन दो पंचायतों का चयन किया गया है।

- भीलवाड़ा जिले की आसींद पंचायत समिति की रामपुरा व बांसवाड़ा जिले के कुशलगढ़ पंचायत समिति की बड़वास छोटी ग्राम पंचायत

9. सलेमाबाद में किस संप्रदाय की प्रधान पीठ है।

- निम्बार्क

10. भारत में सबसे पुरानी तेल रिफाइनरी कहां स्थित है।

- असम

11. मिस्र में नील नदी पर कौनसा बांध है।

- आसवान

12. नेशनल इंडियन मिल्रिटी कॉलेज स्थित है।

- देहरादून

13. बाबरनामा किस भाषा में लिखा गया।

- तुर्की

14. हम्मीर महाकाव्य के रचयिता हैं।

- नयनचंद्र सूरि

15. राष्ट्रीय अनुसूचित जाति आयोग के अध्यक्ष हैं।

-पीएल पूनियां

16. राजस्थान के हरमाड़ा क्षेत्र की किस महिला को कल्पना चावला अवार्ड दिया गया।

- सरपंच नौरती देवी को

17. राजस्थान में पहली विधान सभा के अध्यक्ष कौन थे।

- नरोत्तमलाल जोशी (झुंझुनूं से निर्वाचित)

18. पाकिस्तान का राष्ट्रीय खेल कौनसा है।

- हॉकी

19. भारत में पहला नोबल पुरस्कार किसे मिले।

- रविंद्रनाथ टैगोर को

20. सर्वप्रथम लोकायुक्त संस्था की स्थापना किस प्रदेश ने की।

- महाराष्ट्र

General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

HPSSSB Various Posts incuding PGT Teacher Last Date : 12-01-2012


Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board (HPSSSB)
Hamirpur, District Hamirpur- 177001

Advertisement No. 22/2011 Dated: 13.12.2011

Last Date : 12-01-2012
Applications on the prescribed Proforma, in sealed covers, are invited for the following posts under the Government of Himachal Pradesh so as to reach the Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh) PIN-177001 on or before 12.01.2012. However, for the candidates residing in Lahaul & Spiti District, Kinnaur District, Pangi & Bharmour Sub-Divisions of Chamba District and Dodra Kwar Sub-Division of Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of applications is 27.01.2012

Name of Post/ No. of Vacancies -
  • Senior Scale Stenographer (On Contract basis) at minimum of the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+3800Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ :` 14100/- Per Month), No. of Posts-01(UR)
  • Sr. Assistant (Accounts) (On Contract basis) at minimum of the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+3800 Grade Pay.No. of Posts- 08: Gen (UR)-05, Gen(IRDP/BPL)-01, OBC(UR)-01,SC(UR)-01
  • Superintendent (Divisional Accounts) ( On Regular basis) in the Pay Band : ` 10900-34800+4550 Grade Pay, No. of Posts- 05Gen (UR)-04, SC (UR)-01
  • Clerks (On Contract basis) at minimum of the Pay Band of ` 5910-20200 + 1900 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 7810/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-336, Gen(IRDP/BPL)-64, Gen(WFF)-07, SC(UR)-144, SC(IRDP/BPL)-21, SC(WFF)-03
    ST(UR)-32, ST(IRDP/BPL)-07,OBC (UR)-127, OBC(IRDP/BPL)-22, OBC(WFF)-02, TOTAL - 765
  • Lineman (On Contract basis) at minimum of the Pay Band of ` (6400-20200)+3050 Grade Pay, No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-16, Gen(IRDP/BPL)-05, OBC(UR)-07,OBC(IRDP/BPL)-01, ST(UR)-01, SC(UR)-08,SC(IRDP/BPL)-02, TOTAL - 40
  • Junior Auditor (Contract Basis) at minimum of the Pay Band ` (10300-34800)+3800 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14100/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen(IRDP/BPL)-01,SC(UR)-01, TOTAL -2
  • PGT (English) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-52, SC (UR)-24, ST (UR)-04, OBC (UR)-18,Gen (IRDP/BPL)-12, SC (IRDP/BPL)-05,ST(IRDP/BPL)-02, OBC (IRDP/BPL)-06, Gen(WFF)-02,OBC(WFF)-01, TOTAL - 126
  • PGT (Commerce) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-41, SC (UR)-18, ST (UR)-05, OBC (UR)-17, Gen (IRDP/BPL)-10, SC (IRDP/BPL)-04,
    ST(IRDP/BPL)-01, OBC (IRDP/BPL)-04, Gen(WFF)-01,SC(WFF)-01, OBC(WFF)-01, TOTAL - 103
  • PGT (Physics) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of `10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-07, SC (UR)-03, ST (UR)-01, OBC (UR)-03,Gen (IRDP/BPL)-02, OBC (IRDP/BPL)-01, TOTAL - 17
  • PGT (Chemistry) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month), No. of Posts-  Gen (UR)-10, SC (UR)-03, ST (UR)-02, OBC (UR)-04,Gen (IRDP/BPL)-02, SC(IRDP/BPL)-01, OBC (WFF)-01, TOTAL - 23
  • PGT (Biology) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month), No. of Posts-  Gen (UR)-10, SC (UR)-05, ST (UR)-01, OBC (UR)-03,Gen (IRDP/BPL)-03, SC(IRDP/BPL)-01, OBC
    (IRDP/BPL)-01, TOTAL - 24
  • PGT (Music-Vocal) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month),  No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-02, SC (UR)-01, OBC (UR)-01 Total = 04 
  • PGT (Music-Instrumental) (On contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay
    (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month),No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-02, OBC (UR)-01, Gen (IRDP/BPL)-01 Total =04
  • PGT (Informatics Practices) ( On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+4200 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14500/- Per Month),  No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-312, SC (UR)-141, ST (UR)-28, OBC (UR)-121, Gen (IRDP/BPL)-78, SC (IRDP/BPL)-29,
    ST(IRDP/BPL)-10, OBC (IRDP/BPL)-29, Gen(WFF)-10,SC(WFF)-05, OBC(WFF)-04
    , TOTAL - 767
  • Election Kanungo (On Contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 5910-20200+3000 Grade Pay. (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 8910/- Per Month), No. of Posts- OBC (UR)-01, TOTAL - 1
  • Junior Engineer (Civil) (on contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+3800 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14100/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-04,SC(UR)-01,ST(UR)-02,OBC(UR)-04,SC(IRDP/BPL)-01, ST(IRDP/BPL)-01, OBC
    (IRDP/BPL)-01, Total = 14
  • Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10900-34800+4350 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14100/- Per Month), No. of Posts- Gen (UR)-14, Gen(IRDP/BPL)-03, SC(UR)-06,SC(IRDP/BPL)-01, ST(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-05,
    OBC (IRDP/BPL)-01, Total = 31 
  • Junior Engineer (Mechanical) (on contract basis) in the Pay Band of ` 10300-34800+3800 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 14100/- Per Month), No. of Posts- SC(UR)-01
    Total = 01  
  • Clerks (On Contract basis) in the Pay band of ` 6420- 20200+2300 Grade Pay., No. of Posts-  Gen (UR)-15, SC(UR)-05, ST(UR)-01, OBC(UR)-04, Total = 25 
  • Steno Typist (on contract basis) in the pay band of ` 5910-20200+2000 Grade Pay, No. of Posts -  Gen(UR)-1,Total = 01 
  • Junior Scale Stenographer (on contract basis) in the pay band of ` 5910-20200+2800 Grade Pay (Consolidated fixed contractual amount @ : ` 8710/- Per Month), No. of Posts -  Gen(UR)-1,Total = 01  
  • Ayurvedic Pharmasist (on contract basis) in the pay Band of 5910-20200+3000 Grade Pay, No. of Posts - Gen(UR)- 102, Gen(IRDP/BPL) - 25, Gen(WFF) – 03, SC(UR)- 41, SC(IRDP/BPL)- 10, SC(WFF)-01, ST(UR)- 10, ST(IRDP/BPL)- 02, ST(WFF)- 01,OBC(UR)
    - 33, (OBC)(IRDP/BPL)- 08, OBC(WFF)- 01, Total = 237   

How To Apply -
The candidate must apply on the prescribed Application form costing Rs. 170/- (For General Category) and Rs. 65/- (for reserved categories) obtainable from the Post Offices/ Sub-Post Offices and other authorized Sale Agents situated at various district head quarters and towns of H.P.

For complete details/application format - Click here
Last Date : 12-01-2012
General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General AwHPSSSB Various Posts incuding PGT Teacherareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

Employment/Rozgar News Paper Highlights 10.12.2011 to 16.12.2011

Employment News Paper / Rozgar Samachar Hindi News paper
Job Highlights (10 DECEMBER 2011 - 16 DECEMBER 2011)

1.Union Public Service Commission invites applications for the posts of Deputy Director (Administration/Insurance/ Training etc.) and Deputy Director (Finance).
2.Navodya Vidyalaya Samiti, New Delhi invites applications for recruitment of Post Graduate Teachers for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.
3.Rifles Factory, Ishapore requires Durwan and Fireman.
4.Air India Air Transport Service Limited requires Customer Agents, Sr. Ramp Service Agents, Ramp Service Agents and Security Agents.
5.412 Air Force Station, New Delhi invites applications for Group ‘C’ posts.
6.Indian Oil Corporation Limited, requires experienced Non-Executive Personnel.
7.NMDC Limited, Hyderabad invites applications for various posts.
8.Machine Tool Prototype Factory, Ambarnath invites applications for Group ‘C’ posts.
9.Pharmacopoeia Commission for India Medicine Ghaziabad invites applications for various posts.
10.Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh notifies Combined State Engineering Services Examination-2011.
11.KLE Krishi Vigyan Kendra requires Programme Coordinator, Assistants, Subject Matter Specialist etc.
12.MP Power Transmission Company Limited requires Deputy Directors and Executive Trainees.

General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

Various jobs by HPSSSB Dec-2011

Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board (HPSSSB)
District Hamirpur - 177001

Applications in prescribed proforma, are invited for the following posts in various departments :
  1. Senior Scale Stenographer : 01 post on Contract basis
  2. Sr. Assistant (Accounts) : 08 posts on Contract basis
  3. Superintendent (Divisional Accounts) : 05 posts
  4. Clerks : 765 posts on Contract basis
  5. Lineman : 40 posts on Contract basis
  6. Junior Auditor : 02 posts on Contract Basis
  7. PGT (English) : 126 posts on Contract basis
  8. PGT (Commerce) : 103 posts on Contract basis
  9. PGT (Physics) : 17 posts on Contract basis
  10. PGT (Chemistry) : 23 posts on Contract basis
  11. PGT (Biology) : 24 posts on Contract basis
  12. PGT (Music-Vocal) : 04 posts on Contract basis
  13. PGT (Music-Instrument) : 04 posts on Contract basis
  14. PGT (Informatics Practices) : 767 posts on Contract basis
  15. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 14 posts on contract basis
  16. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 31 posts on contract basis
  17. Junior Engineer (Mechanical) : 01 post on contract basis
  18. Clerks : 25 posts on Contract basis in Himachal Power
  19. Steno Typist : 01 post on contract basis
  20. Junior Scale Stenographer : 01 post on contract basis
  21. Ayurvedic Pharmasist : 237 posts on contract basis
Age : 18-45 years.

Application Forms : Application forms are available in all the post offices/ sub post offices of Himachal Pradesh and other  outlets of authorized dealers in Himachal Pradesh. The cost  of application form is Rs. 170/- for General Category Candidates and  Rs. 65/- for reserved categories

Applications in prescribed proforma, are invited for the following posts so as to the reach the Secretary Himachal Pradesh, Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh) - 177001by 12/01/2012. The last date for the candidates residing in Lahaul Spiti, Kinnaur, Pangi and Bharmaur Sub-Divisions of Chamba district and Dodra kwar Sub-Divison of Shimla District of HP is 27/01/2012.

Please view http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/PDF/AdvVac2011_A1b.pdf for details.

RPSC PTI and Programmer vacancy Dec-2011

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)

RPSC invites Online application for the following  posts in Rajasthan Government :
  • Physical  Training  Instructor (PTI) Gr-II  : 230 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.  9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 3600, Age : 18-35 years
  • Physical  Training  Instructor (PTI) Gr-III  : 1303 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2800, , Age : 18-35 years

  • Analyst-Cum- 
  • Programmer  
  • (Deputy Director) 
    : 66 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 6600, Age : 18-37 years
  • Programmer  : 78 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200, , Age : 18-35 years
Application Fee : Rs. 250/- (Rs. 150/- for OBC and Rs.50/- for SC/ST) plus Rs.40/- online portal charges.  

How to Apply : Apply Online at RPSC website on or before15/01/2012 12.00 midnight. 

Information : For complete information please view http://rpsc.gov.in/AdvtE9_E10_PTI_ACP_PROG_Final_151211.pdf and  apply online athttp://rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in/

Walk-in interview for the post of Computer Operator in NIELIT - Dec 2011

Walk-in interview for the post of Computer Operator in National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology :

Computer Operator

Qualification : Graduate with one year computer course/DOEACC ‘O’ Level.Typing Speed:25 words/Minute in Hindi, 40 words/Minute in English

Salary (Consolidated) : Rs.7000

Application Fee : Rs 350 Payable to Director, Doeacc Society, Chandigargh Centre ,Branch Office Lucknow

Date of inteview : 18-December-2011 10:00 AM onwards. Venue of interview: NIELIT (DOEACC Society) Chandigarh Centre, B.O. Lucknow A-1/9, Sumit Complex, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226010

For complete advertisement visit : http://rcc.nic.in/jobs/dec11/lk/eligibility.htm
General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General KnWalk-in interview for the post of Computer Operator in NIELITowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012

ITDC requires Candidates Graduate in Commerce / CA/ICWA Intermediate exam passed / MBA with specialization in Finance for the post of Accountants - Dec 2011

India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (ITDC) invites applications to engage Accountants on contract basis initially for a period of three year :


Number of vacancies : 14

Qualification : Candidate should be Graduate in Commerce with 50% marks and 3 years experience.
CA/ICWA Intermediate exam passed / MBA with specialization in Finance.

Desirable : Certificate in Computer Application. Preference will be given to candidates having hands on experience of Accounting Software.

Age : 30 years (as on 31.10.2011) .

Remuneration : Rs. 15,000 per month + Rs. 3000/- (allowances) + PF (as applicable)

The last date of receipt of applications is 27.12.2011.

For complete advertisement visit : http://bit.ly/uKBLPn

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