DMRC Recruitment 2012 – Vacancy of Junior Engineer and Asst . Engineers. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation(DMRC ) , invites application from eligible candidates to fill the vacancies of Junior and Assistant Engineer.DMRC Released the Recruitment 2012 notification for totally 40 can have the complete details on age limit,education qualifications required,pay scale,application form for DMRC Recruitment 2012 listed below c
Total Number of Vacancies:40
Post Name: DMRC Engineer
Assistant Engineer:10 posts(for B.E/B.Tech)
Junior Engineer:30 posts(for Diploma Holders)
Selection Process:
Selection process is based on
1.Written exam
2.Group Discussion
Application fee:
100 rupees for General and OBC Candidates,50 rupees for SC/ST Candidates.Candidates have to drawn a DD in the favour of DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION,payable at New Delhi.
Education Qualifications Required:
1.BE/B.Tech/Equivalent in Civil Engineering Discipline with first class marks for the post of Assistant Engineer
2.3 years diploma with 60% marks in Civil Engineering Discipline for the post of Junior Engineer
How to Apply:
Candidates have to submit the Application form in prescribed format,enclosing the necessary documents on or before 02-03-2012 in Speed post/Couries ,Mentioning the Post name for applying in envelop cover to given address
Executive Director (HR),
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd,
Metro Bhawan, Fire
Brigade Lane,
Barakhamba Road
Last Date to Apply:02-3-2012
For more details about the DMRC Recruitment 2012 :
General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012, General Knowledge
DMRC Recruitment 2012 – Vacancy of Junior Engineer and Asst. Engineers
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