1. The foundation of Indian Vedanta philosophy is—(A) Ram Charit Manas
(B) Mahabharat
(C) Puranas
(D) Upanishad
Ans : (D)
2. Rigmies are related to—(A) Asia
(B) Europe
(C) Africa
(D) America
Ans :(C)
3. The capital of Vijayanager empire. Hampi was situated on the bank of the river—(A) Krishna
(B) Pennar
(C) Tungbhadra
(D) Godavari
Ans :(C)
4. The number of permanent member nations in the UN Security Council is—(A) 10
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 15
Ans :(B)
5. The brightest star in the sky is—(A) Proxima Centauri
(B) Bernard
(C) Nebula
(D) Cirius
Ans :(A)
6. If the atmosphere is removed from the earth—(A) Day will lengthen
(B) Night will lengthen
(C) Both will remain same
(D) Both will be equal
Ans :(C)
7. Silicon dioxide is used in—(A) Cement production
(B) Cutting hard precious metals
(C) Glass manufacture
(D) None of these
Ans :(C)
8. The Jainism propounded the complete knowledge as—(A) Jin
(B) Ratna
(C) Kaivalya
(D) Nirvana
Ans :(C)
9. Chanakya was known by the name—(A) Samudragupta
(B) Vishnugupta
(C) Shrigupta
(D) None of these
Ans :(B)
10. Boys scout and Girls Guide movements were formed by—(A) Charles Andies
(B) General Ramphel
(C) John Quat
(D) Weden Powel
Ans :(D)
11. The executive in India is directly responsible to the—
(A) President
(B) Judiciary
(C) People
(D) Legislature
Ans :(D)
12. Two pipes can fill a cistern in 6 minutes and 7 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened alternately for 1 minute each. In what time will they fill the cistern?(A) 5 minutes
(B) 17/3 times
(C) 45/7 minutes
(D) 5/4 minutes
Ans :(C)
13. A boat takes half time in moving a certain distance downstream than upstream. What is ratio between rate in still water and rate of current?(A) 1 : 2
(B) 3 : 1
(C) 2 : 1
(D) 1 : 3
Ans :(B)
14. Total area of 64 small squares of a chess board is 400cm. There is 3 cm wide border around the chess board. What is the length of the side of the chess board?(A) 17 cm
(B) 20 cm
(C) 26 cm
(D) 23 cm
Ans :(C)
15. The temperature of a place increases uniformly from 210°C to 380°C from 9 am to 2 pm. What was the temperature at noon?(A) 28.50°C
(B) 270°C
(C) 300°C
(D) 320°C
Ans :(D)
Railway Recruitment Board Chandigarh Solved 2009 Paper
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